This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

International Trade Law, Volume 1 and 2

An Interdisciplinary, Non-Western Textbook

Fourth Edition

by Raj Bhala

Tags: International Law; and Trade Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available


ISBN 978-0-76986-907-0
eISBN 978-0-32719-452-1

Listen to Professor Bhala discuss International Trade and Kansas City (NPR, 3/21/27)

International Trade Law: An Interdisciplinary, Non-Western Textbook has been revised in its 4th edition, building upon the global successes of its predecessor editions. Truly a 'world law' textbook applicable in any country, this edition offers a theoretical and practical approach to economics, politics, international relations, philosophy, and religion as they relate to international trade law. It may be used either in a two semester sequenced course, or as stand-alone volumes for distinct one-semester courses. Additional highlights of the 4th edition include:

  • Coverage of vital domestic trade legislation on trade sanctions and export controls
  • Emphasis on rising powers such as India and China, and controversies involving Iran, North Korea, and Russia
  • Technical every-day issues, such as dumping margin and net countervailable subsidization rates, and critical economic sectors, such as IP and services
  • GATT-WTO law and free trade agreements (FTAs)

The 4th edition has been thoroughly updated with new chapters covering: ethics, trade adjustment assistance (TAA), American trade history, Indian trade law and policy, WTO accession, like products, trade and energy, technical barriers to trade, transparency (TBT), non-application and waivers, balance of payments (BOP) crises, GATT morality exception trade facilitation, sanitary and phytosanitary (SOS) measures, compulsory IP licensing, trade remedies against non-market economies (NMEs), currency manipulation, trade sanctions, export controls, labor and the environment, trade and climate change, development economics, and Africa.

Each chapter is manageably sized and offers a user-friendly structure, allowing the flexibility of choosing the chapters that best serve the needs of a professor's individual course. The topics in each chapter help students establish a fundamental foundation upon which to build their knowledge of international trade law.

Comprehensive Teacher's Manual available. Includes sample course syllabi, questions, and answers.


  • "In my experience, few books set a first-rate standard for students and teachers alike. This Textbook does. Its interdisciplinary, non-western orientation, coupled with its coverage of time- honored precepts and contemporary issues, is a novel and timely synthesis." —Jagdish N. Bhagwati, University Professor (Economics, Law, and International Affairs), Columbia University
  • "Since NAFTA took effect in 1994, and the WTO in 1995, International Trade Law has become a far broader, deeper specialty than ever before. New initiatives such as TPP and T-TIP raise new challenging issues, such as protection for biologics and investor-state dispute settlements. This Textbook is comprehensive and up to date in covering both the enduring themes and the details. Here, students and teachers enjoy the flexibility to cover the entirety of the eld, or focus intensely on topics within it. Either way, they will be richly rewarded by this very impressive work." —Gregory Shaffer, Chancellor's Professor, School of Law, University of California, Irvine
  • "As always, Raj Bhala offers thought-provoking perspectives and fresh insights that show how and why the international trade regime has become so contested. This latest Textbook is a timely and important contribution to today's debate about the philosophy, ethics, and outcomes that should shape this regime for the 21st century." —Jane Kelsey, Professor of Law, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • "I have followed this ambitious Textbook since its 1st edition, which I adopted at Columbia Law School. It presents the canon of International Trade Law, both theory and practice at the multilateral, FTA, and domestic levels. Having negotiated trade, environment, and human rights agreements for the U.S., chairing the U.S. International Religious Freedom Commission, and specializing also in Japanese law, I admire its coverage of trade-related "linkage" issues, and its emphasis on the Asia-Pacic region. It is a pleasure to endorse a work of such fine pedagogy, indeed, of serious scholarship." —Michael K. Young, President, The University of Washington
  • "I myself learned the subject of International Trade Law, and fell in love with it, thanks to this Textbook while an LL.M. student at the University of Arizona, and then an S.J.D. candidate at American University (Washington College of Law). Now as Dean and Professor at Sharjah, my students use it, and I commend it to students throughout the Middle East and beyond. No other work treats Arab Islamic countries in the world trading system with such thought, vision, and hope. In addition to its insightful analysis of substantive topics, the quality of English writing is so high that even native speakers will improve their legal writing by perusing it. This Textbook inspires both the mind and heart." —Bashar H. Malkawi, Dean and Professor of Law, College of Law, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates