This book has been replaced by a newer edition:
Federal Law Enforcement: A Primer, Second Edition
2018, 348 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-768-7
Federal Law Enforcement
A Primer
by Jeff Bumgarner, Charles E. Crawford, Ronald Burns
Tags: Law Enforcement
Teacher's Manual available
280 pp $37.00
ISBN 978-1-61163-076-3
eISBN 978-1-5310-0355-5
Federal Law Enforcement: A Primer, serves to fill a gap in criminal justice literature by examining federal law enforcement from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Part I of the book considers the history of federal law enforcement in the United States as well as its current status within the broader American law enforcement community. Debate over the reach and scope of federal law enforcement is also addressed.
Part II through Part V of the book examines the history, organization, personnel, and function of over 20 specific federal law enforcement agencies. Finally, Part VI of the book addresses careers within, and the future of, federal law enforcement in the United States.
"I've been waiting 25 years for a book in this subject area or on this topic." — John F. Doherty, Marist College
PowerPoint slides are available to professors upon adoption of this book. Download sample slides from the full 435-slide presentation here. If you have adopted the book for a course, contact bhall (at) cap-press (dot) com to request the PowerPoint slides.