A Companion to Bordering on Madness: An American Land Use Tale, Second Edition

Cases, Scholarship, and Case Studies

by Andrew F. Popper, Patricia E. Salkin, David Avitabile

Tags: Land Use Planning

Table of Contents (PDF)

400 pp  $38.00

ISBN 978-1-59460-579-6

A Companion to Bordering on Madness: An American Land Use Tale, Second Edition expands the issues raised in the novel using cases, scholarship, and case studies. The text serves as a foundation to understand select doctrine, theory and strategy applicable to conflicts between developers and those who oppose development. Land use is an area in which law and government become personal, direct, immediate, and, quite literally, tangible. Land use cases set the parameters for the structures in which we live, the vistas (or lack thereof) we experience—quite literally, the sights, sounds, and air that surround us. The mission of this text is to provide a window into this dynamic field.

"We admit it—stories about legal treatises don't normally arouse our interest....But we make exceptions where campus bombings are involved, and the story of a land use text just out from AU Prof. Andrew Popper, with an assist from Pillsbury associate David Avitabile and Albany Law Prof. Patricia Salkin, has that and more." — Legal Bisnow

This Title Accompanies

Bordering on Madness cover

Bordering on Madness: An American Land Use Tale, Second Edition

2008, 268 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-537-6
