Maryland's Criminal Justice System

Edited by: Debra L. Stanley

Tags: Introduction to Criminal Justice and State-Specific Criminal Justice Series

Table of Contents (PDF)

280 pp  $35.00

ISBN 978-1-61163-695-6
eISBN 978-1-5310-0334-0

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Maryland's Criminal Justice System provides an overview and understanding of the unique political and cultural character of the Maryland criminal justice system and its relationship with the local community. The multifaceted and interrelated components of the Maryland criminal justice system are described in the context of state and local law, politics and culture. This perspective exposes the reader to the political, social and cultural influences on a state criminal justice system. An overview of the history of the Maryland constitution in the context of state lawmaking and the structure of the criminal justice system is included. A dissection of the influence of law, policy and practice is described as they relate to the overall function of the criminal justice system.

Maryland's Criminal Justice System is a practical guide for both current and prospective professionals interested in working in the system. Students and faculty will find this to be a vital tool for all criminal justice related courses. Professionals will find this reader to be a primary reference guide on the job. Every chapter provides a comprehensive explanation of a particular phase of the state and local criminal justice system. Details on the purpose and role of state and local law enforcement, courts, corrections, juvenile justice, community corrections, forensic science, victim service agencies and Maryland's response to crime victims' rights are discussed. An understanding of forensic science and its role within the criminal justice process is documented in its own unique chapter. A thorough assessment of education, training and career opportunities in federal, state and local criminal justice agencies offers an invaluable resource to anyone interested in a career in the criminal justice system. This text fills a much needed gap for professionals and students alike.

About the State-Specific Criminal Justice Series:

One drawback with many current books is that they pertain to the really non-existent “American” criminal justice system and ignore the local landscape. Each state has deliberately designed its own legislature, executive branch, law enforcement system, court and appellate review system, state supreme court, correctional system, and juvenile justice apparatus. Since many criminal justice students embark upon careers in their home states, they are better served by being exposed to their own state criminal justice system.

Texts in this series are designed to be primary texts or as supplements to more general introduction to criminal justice texts.

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