This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

International Criminal Law

Cases and Materials

Third Edition

by Jordan J. Paust, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Michael P. Scharf, Jimmy Gurule, Leila Sadat, Bruce Zagaris


Table of Contents (PDF)

936 pp  $95.00

ISBN 978-1-59460-247-4

This title is out of print and may have reduced or no availability. Please contact us for more information about ordering.

The third edition has been significantly updated, especially to reflect case trends in the International Criminal Tribunals for Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda (encompassing, among other matters, individual responsibility, defenses, war crimes, genocide, and other crimes against humanity), as well as developments and issues with respect to creation of the new permanent International Criminal Court. Some chapters have been deleted and some materials have been cut back to include new materials for a more manageable book.