Picturing Justice, the On-Line Journal of Law and Popular Culture

Please submit commentaries for posting on this web site to: pj@usfca.edu

Please create your commentary using a word processor and submit as a document attachment. (Hard returns at the end of every line are not appreciated.)

Please italicize the titles of all films, television shows, etc. However, because of a bug in many Netscape browsers, the first word in a paragraph cannot be in italics.

Please limit your commentary to less than 2000 words. Paragraphs should be a reasonable length for reading on the computer screen. (A paragraph should not completely fill the screen.)

Use a long dash rather than a hyphen if intended as sentence punctuation. (Double hyphens with no spaces are an acceptable substitute.)

Film commentaries should not normally include a detailed recitation of the plot unless such a recitation is an essential part of your analysis. (Many other web sites list film plots and that is not our intended function here.)

Please spell check your writing and check your facts using the Internet Movie Database or other source.

We are happy to post more than one commentary on the same film, show, etc.

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