- "
- Had this been
a more stereotypical western, their encounter with Mexican moonshine
would have been set in a whorehouse ...
- "
- "
- Today, there
are approximately nine vigilante justice killings annually in
- "

Killing Time with All
the Pretty Horses
by Rob Waring
All the
Pretty Horses,
now out on video, is a film that may achieve minor cult status,
as the comments of many who have seen it often include praise
for its cinematography and editing, summed up as beautifully
made. Not having read the novel on which it is based, I don't
know the extent to which its underlying commentary on the criminal
justice systems in Texas and Mexico is the work of the novel's
author, Cormac McCarthy, screenwriter Ted Tally, or director
Billy Bob Thornton. That may be difficult for anyone to determine,
as the studio is reported to have chopped the director's cut
from 220 minutes down to 116.
The film stars
Matt Damon and his timid sidekick, played by Henry Thomas, formerly
the kid sidekick of E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial. Damon's
character loses the family farm upon the death of his grandfather,
and the family lawyer, played by Sam Shepard, tells him there
is no hope of recovery. Facing limited prospects in West Texas
in 1949 and fleeing the injustices of Texas probate law, the
duo head south to seek their fortunes in Mexico. There, they
immediately find themselves caught up in the misfortunes of a
juvenile runaway, who
may have stolen his horse and gun North of the Border.Their first
mistake is to get drunk with him. (Had this been a more stereotypical
western, their encounter with Mexican moonshine would have been
set in a whorehouse, but here it is good clean fun with a peasant
family and their cute kids.) After a nearly electrifying scene,
this possible reincarnation of Billy the Kid loses his purloined
horse and gun, and then steals them back from a Mexican who assumed
possession of what he may have thought was lost property. Regrettably,
the Mexican pays for this mistake with his life. (The killer
kid is played by Lucas Black, the kid who befriended killer Billy
Bob Thornton in Sling Blade .)
I omit subsequent
romantic plot details as irrelevant to this article (but spoiling
other plot information for those who have yet to see the film),and
noting that some of the romantic themes center on loyalty to
one's family and friends - a subject
recently explored in John Denvir's recent PJ article: No
One Comes Out Clean in Traffic. (And, also noting that the
well publicized comments of Tomb Raider's Angela Jolie
about the erotic imagination of her husband, Billy Bob Thornton,
are only weakly validated in Pretty Horses (PG rated sex
scenes between Damon and Penelope Cruz. But I digress.)
Damon, his
sidekick and the killer kid all end up in a Mexican hoosegow,
with no trial. Damon reassures the kid that he will be alright
because Mexico does not have the death penalty. Minutes later,
in screen time, the kid is dead, having been shot by the local
police captain at the behest of the vengeful family of the deceased
Mexican. The two Texans then end up in a Mexican prison,where
both are nearly killed in separate knifings by a ruthless prison
gang. Minutes later, in screen time, they are free men, their
liberty having been purchased by a rich benefactor. Damon's character
vows to seek extrajudicial restitution for the injustices endured
by him and his friends. (The film subsequently makes one wonder
if Robert Redford and Paul Newman had had hostages, whether Butch
Cassidy and the Sundance Kid would have had a different,
happier ending.)
Damon eventually
returns to his beloved Texas, immediately kissing the ground,
now presumably free of the hazards of the Mexican justice system.
Not in Texas more than two minutes, in screen time, he is arrested
for suspected horse stealing.
the judge at his arraignment is either kindly or bored or both.
Played by Bruce Dern, he is so intrigued by the story of Damon's
exploits that after seeing proof via scars from the bullet wound
inflicted by Mexican sharpshooters, he dismisses the case. Never
being the sort to miss an opportunity to say thank you for an
act of kindness, Damon later goes to the judge's home to say
howdy. The judge invites him in for philosophical chat (giving
the plot some closure), harkening back to a simpler time when
judges could do that sort of thing and not risk violating ethics
The film begs
the question: if you were going to commit murder in 1949 and
wanted to avoid capital punishment, were you better off doing
the deed in Texas or Mexico? (I don't mean to assume that any
but a tiny fraction of murderers engage in this sort of calculus.)
The answer could depend on who you were planning to kill. Statistics
show that murderers in death penalty states in the United States
receive the death penalty at least four times more frequently
for killing a white person than for the killing of a member of
a racial minority. Presumably this was even a higher ratio fifty
years ago. On the other hand, in Mexico the lack of a death penalty
apparently did not stop honor killings. (Today, there are approximately
nine vigilante justice killings annually in Mexico). Perhaps
the answer is that to avoid capital punishment in either country,
one should avoid killing a person whose family or friends have
political influence in the community. As noted above, the film
also suggests that one might receive an acquittal in Texas if
a plea for mercy is accompanied by a really entertaining explanation.
August 4, 2001
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