This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

Catholic Legal Perspectives cover

Catholic Legal Perspectives, Third Edition

2018, 472 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-5310-0901-4


Catholic Legal Perspectives

Second Edition

by Robert William Piatt, Jr.

Tags: Constitutional Law, Jurisprudence, Religion and Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

376 pp  $57.00

ISBN 978-1-61163-664-2

This second edition updates the examination of contemporary issues, identifying in critical areas, how Catholic principles and legal principles overlap and diverge. While it is not expected or required that the reader agree, in every instance, with either the law or the Catholic perspectives, the reader of this work will come away with an understanding of both. Critiques and responses are included throughout. Topics include family issues (marriage, same sex marriage, divorce, annulment), immigration, public assistance, religious freedom, and matters of life and death, including abortion, euthanasia, and the death penalty.

The book is aimed at law students, lawyers, those in Catholic undergraduate and graduate schools, and others who are interested in examining Catholic views regarding our system of justice. The book includes updated excerpts from cases and statutes, law review articles, and commentaries. It contains important Church documents including selections from papal encyclicals, communications from the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops, theologians, and others. Each chapter concludes with a "For Further Thought" section, asking the reader to consider, apply, and examine the principles discussed in that chapter. It asks law students and lawyers to reflect on whether these principles will or should affect their representation of clients or the way judges should approach cases brought before them. The book contains a bibliography at the end of each chapter for further reading and study.

"[This book] presents a very balanced analysis of the differences between Roman Catholic and secular views on particular legal issues. ...In each chapter, Piatt sets forth the Catholic church's position with regard to key controversies and how it differs from prevailing norms of American law. As well, he thoughtfully demonstrates how and where divisions exist with the Catholic church concerning the manner in which Catholics — particularly lawyers — should reconcile the teachings of the church with their secular roles. ...In conclusion, Catholic Legal Perspectives is a clear, intriguing presentation of the tensions inherent between any religion and a secular legal system." Mark Rush, Law and Politics Book Review (Vol. 23 No. 1), on the First Edition