This book has been replaced by a newer edition:
Separation of Powers Law: Cases and Materials, Fourth Edition
2018, 1542 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-5310-0259-6
Separation of Powers Law
Cases and Materials
Third Edition
by Peter M. Shane, Harold H. Bruff
Tags: Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Government/National Security Law
1264 pp $115.00
ISBN 978-1-59460-741-7
eISBN 978-1-5310-0719-5
Dramatic issues of presidential power and executive-congressional relations have dominated the last decade's headlines. It is impossible to overstate the significance of the inter-branch confrontations that have promised to revolutionize separation of powers understandings since the mid-1990s.
This updated edition addresses these and other dramatic issues, such as presidential impeachment and Bush v. Gore. The book retains its clear structure and historical perspective, and the authors have increased their emphasis on the ethical challenges posed for constitutional lawyers in the executive and legislative branches, who seek to address novel constitutional issues in professionally appropriate ways.
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