Anthropology and Archaeology
Carolina Academic Press continues its commitment to publishing innovative and scholarly works in the fields of anthropology and archaeology. Areas of current and forthcoming books include religion and anthropology, medical and social anthropology, forensic anthropology, and cultural anthropology. Geographic areas of focus range from Melanesia to Europe and the Middle East and from Japan to Africa.
We continue to be enthusiastic about our three series edited by Andrew Strathern and Pamela Stewart of the University of Pittsburgh. The Ethnographic Studies in Medical Anthropology Series includes the popular Curing and Healing, Second Edition, an introduction to medical anthropology that includes case studies from around the globe, as well as other recent titles focusing on such topics as end-of-life care, indigenous peoples and diabetes, and healing practices in Turkey. The Ritual Studies Monograph Series includes titles on Islam, the Loma of Guinea, the Solomon Islanders, and madness and fairy tales in New Britain, among others. The newest series, the European Anthropology Series, includes a title on contemporary transhumance in the French Pyrenees, as well as forthcoming titles on charismatic Christianity in Belfast and farming issues in the European Union.