ADA Requests

CAP is happy to supply our books in electronic format for students with documented disabilities (we have no audio books). In order for eligible and qualified students to receive an electronic version of one of our texts, the book must be adopted for classroom usage, and the request must come from student services, an accessibility officer, or other authorized staff member.

There are two options for students who require ADA-compliant materials.

Purchase of a new book: For students who have purchased a new book we ask for a copy of the receipt and a statement on school letterhead, signed by both a representative of the school's disabled student services staff and the student, stating that the student understands that Carolina Academic Press is providing the PDF file for his or her exclusive use, and the student agrees not to distribute the file or its contents in any manner. The request and documents can be faxed to (919) 419-0761 or emailed to ada at cap-press dot com. Be sure to include the book's title, author, and ISBN. Email requests must come from a faculty or staff school email account.

Ebooks: Almost all CAP titles are available in ebook format. Ebooks available for sale on use the Vitalsource Bookshelf.

Accommodations are available for titles currently in print.

For any other questions, please contact us as ada at cap-press dot com.