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FAQ for Students

  • How do I access my ebooks?

    If you have purchased an ebook at Carolina Academic Press (, you may access it at any time through your account on this site. To access your ebook:

    • Click the "Account & Ebooks" button at the top of any page.
    • Log in with the username and password you used to place the purchase.
    • You will see a list of your ebooks followed by "Read Now" buttons.
    • Follow the "Read Now" button to be taken directly to the ebook reader (VitalSource Bookshelf).
    • At Vitalsource you may either create an account (or use an existing account), or read as a guest.
    • If you choose to use an account, you may also access your ebook through the Vitalsource Bookshelf App.
  • What kind of ebooks do you sell?
    We sell ebook access using the Vitalsource Bookshelf. You may access ebooks either directly in your web browser or through an app. If you do not want to create an account on, guest access is available.
  • How many devices can I use my ebook on?
    Vitalsource ebooks may be accessed through your account at Carolina Academic Press or through the Vitalsource Bookshelf using a web browser. Additionally, up to 2 different devices may be authorized for Vitalsource downloads using the Vitalsource app. See Managing Devices for more information.
  • I need help with Vitalsource.
    If you have purchased a book on Vitalsource and need help with the platform, please see the Vitalsource FAQ and support options at
  • Do ebooks have page numbers?
    Our ebooks are reflowable epubs. This means the book pages will adjust to fit on your screen and will not look exactly like the pages of a printed book. However, most of our books do have physical page mapping. This means you will be able to browse through an ebook and see the corresponding physical page number. See Vitalsource Page Navigation for more information.
  • Can I return my ebook?
    Ebook purchases may be returned within seven (7) days. See Returns Policy for more information.
  • I have another question.
    If you have any other questions about accessing ebooks on our website, you may email

FAQ for Professors and Schools

  • How do I request an examination copy? How do I get a teacher's manual?

    Information about our complimentary copy policy is available at the bottom of every page on the Comp Copy Information link. Professors and other instructors may request access to teachers manuals by emailing

  • How do I request ADA accommodations?

    CAP is happy to supply books in pdf format for students with documented disabilities (we do not have audio books). We require proof of purchase of a new book—not a used book—and a statement on school letterhead, signed by a representative of the school's disabled student services staff, that the student understands that Carolina Academic Press is providing the file for his or her exclusive use, and the student agrees not to distribute the file or its contents in any manner.

    The request and documents may be emailed to Email requests must come from a faculty or staff school email account. Be sure to include the title and edition of the book and an email address.