Ethics & Integrity in Law & Business

Avoiding "Club Fed"

by Michael Ross

Tags: Professional Responsibility/Legal Profession and Professionalism/Law Practice

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

214 pp  $100.00

ISBN 978-0-76984-691-0
eISBN 978-0-32717-611-4

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Ethics & Integrity in Law & Business: Avoiding "Club Fed" offers a new and refreshing approach to the Professional Responsibility course. This book is designed to be focused, practical, interesting and fun!

It is focused:

  • On law firm practice (which is where most graduates start their careers)
  • On business clients? issues (which is what most law firm lawyers do)
  • On only relevant rules

It includes practical:

  • Recurring, real-world situations
  • Decision-making based upon available information (not a complete case record)
  • Decision-making under pressure from senior partners and clients
  • Steps and arguments to encourage ethical conduct
  • Consequences of saying and doing nothing

    Some of the interesting materials offered are:

  • High-profile cases reported on in the media
  • Challenging conflicts of interest

And, this fun new book:

  • Provides quotations from philosophers, authors, scientists, judges, economists and humorists; and
  • Includes comics from "The Wall Street Journal," P. C. Vey, and others.

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