Understanding Family Law

Fourth Edition

by John Gregory, Peter N. Swisher, Robin Wilson

Tags: Family Law; Law School Study Aids; Practitioner Resources; and Understanding Series

Table of Contents (PDF)

612 pp  $55.00

ISBN 978-0-76984-744-3
eISBN 978-0-32718-992-3

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Understanding Family Law includes comprehensive coverage of topics such as traditional and nontraditional families, nonmarital and postmarital contracts, annulment, paternity and legitimacy, procreation rights, contraception, abortion, sterilization, artificially assisted conception, and adoption and termination of parental rights.

Like the prior edition, published in 2005, this new Fourth Edition of Understanding Family Law explains specific family law issues, such as intrafamily tort immunity and liability, medical care for child and spouse, wrongful life and wrongful birth, domestic violence, PINS, CHINS, ethical issues for the lawyer, alternative dispute resolution, equitable distribution, community property, and child custody and visitation. This Fourth Edition is updated to reflect changes in the law since the last edition. The discussion of assisted conception in particular, has been substantially revised to address technological changes and new law, such as the post-death conception case. This Fourth Edition also includes references to 50 states surveys so the reader can find their local law quickly.

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