This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

Law, Policy, and Higher Education cover

Law, Policy, and Higher Education, Second Edition

2025, 1544 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-5310-0207-7


Teacher's Manual available

Law, Policy, and Higher Education

by Philip T.K. Daniel, E. Gordon Gee, Jeffrey C. Sun, Patrick D. Pauken

Tags: Education Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

1416 pp  $236.00

ISBN 978-0-76985-429-8
Looseleaf 978-0-76985-468-7
eISBN 978-0-32717-974-0

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Law, Policy and Higher Education fills a gap in the market for casebooks on higher education law, as the materials presented lend themselves to timely and important discussions of both law and policy issues.

  • Chapters 1 and 2 provide an overview of higher education with respect to the laws and policies that shape its roles and responsibilities in society.
  • Chapters 3 and 4 examine the college's employment relationship with faculty and staff.
  • Chapters 5, 6, and 7 explore the rights and responsibilities of students.
  • Chapter 8 addresses how the university affects and is affected by the intercollegiate athletic enterprise.
  • Chapters 9, 10, and 11 present the influence and impact of government regulations as well as higher education's efforts to shape policies that further institutional aims, and manage university resources.
  • Chapter 12 addresses issues of intellectual property, especially involving faculty, but with an eye on public/private partnerships, ownership, and commercialization of research.
  • Chapter 13 presents an exposé of persons with special needs, a largely overlooked and underserved population within the university.

A Teacher's Manual is available to professors.

This book also is available in a three-hole punched, alternative loose-leaf version printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with wider margins and with the same pagination as the hardbound book.

Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.