Visualizing Secured Transactions
Second Edition
Tags: Secured Transactions
192 pp $52.00
ISBN 978-0-76986-275-0
eISBN 978-0-32718-525-3
Visualizing Secured Transactions takes the basic areas covered by Article 9 and creates a visual aid for the statutory provisions typically assigned in connection with those areas. Some visual aids cover a single section while others summarize a number of sections bearing on a single topic. The overarching goal of Visualizing Secured Transactions is to help students see the organizational structure and create visual clues for remembering content.
This unique book, updated to reflect changes in the law since the first edition was published in 2005, uses visual aids such as charts and diagrams to foster student understanding and application of the law governing secured transactions. The organization of the material tracks the outline and scope of traditional Secured Transactions casebooks and covers Article 9 of the UCC and related UCC provisions and sections of the Bankruptcy Code.
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