Cases and Materials
by Robert M. Jarvis, David Bederman, Joel K. Goldstein, Steven Swanson
Tags: Admiralty Law
Teacher's Manual available
ISBN 978-0-82054-117-4
eISBN 978-0-32717-771-5
This new casebook, written in "stand alone" fashion for maximum customization by instructors, provides a pragmatic look at contemporary admiralty practice as well as a solid foundation for students contemplating a maritime law career. In assembling the text, the authors have drawn from a mix of older and newer cases, edited with a light touch, and even added touches of humor and references to popular culture. They also have:
- incorporated generous amounts of material from "emerging" areas of admiralty practice (such as cruise ship and pleasure boat claims);
- given equal time to "brown water" and "blue water" issues;
- devoted considerable attention to professional ethics;
- prepared chapter overviews, extensive notes, numerous cites to secondary sources, and a comprehensive index to help guide students through the readings;
- included in each of the book's 62 sections a challenging problem (as well as a "citing" decision) to stimulate classroom discussion; and
- written a highly-detailed teacher's manual (available only to professors) that will aid both new and experienced instructors.
Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.