Insurance Law
Cases and Materials
Third Edition
by Roger Henderson, Robert H. Jerry, II
Tags: Insurance Law
ISBN 978-0-82054-896-8
Looseleaf 978-1-4224-7252-1
eISBN 978-0-32717-826-2
PLEASE NOTE: the only version of this book that is available is the looseleaf.
This Third Edition includes many new cases and notes, as well as a thorough revamping of a number of sections and chapters. For example, Chapter 2 now brings together materials on fundamental assumptions of insurance law. A new Chapter 3 brings together a variety of materials on both judicial and legislative regulation of the insurance business.
The authors designed this edition towards three primary goals:
(1) To impart an understanding of basic insurance law through the cases and notes;
(2) To raise fairly debatable, provocative issues, which will involve students in legal analysis and resolution;
(3) To inform students about basic insurance business practices, as well as some of the more practical problems faced by attorneys, judges, and insurance regulators in the real world.
The overall aim is to impart a sound foundation in law and legal analysis, an understanding of the business of insurance, and an appreciation of the role of insurance in modern society.
The book is designed for either a three- or four-hour course in insurance law, but through some judicious editing it may also be used in a two-unit course. The Teacher's Manual helps guide faculty through whichever type of Insurance Law course they prefer to teach, and the authors also plan to provide web support for their adopters.
This book also is available in a three-hole punched, alternative loose-leaf version printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with wider margins and with the same pagination as the hardbound book.
Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.