Business Associations
Fourth Edition
by Larry E. Ribstein, Peter Letsou
Tags: Business
ISBN 978-0-82057-007-5
eISBN 978-0-32718-049-4
The Fourth Edition of Business Associations retains all the features that have made it a distinctive and useful teaching tool for twenty years:
- A real world context for the cases and statutes, including economics and business background, and organization that reflects the transactions in which the legal issues arise;
- Cases that provide recent examples of the law at work in modern business contexts and good analyses of legal issues rather than simply stating rules of law;
- Short, numbered notes, with the issue covered in each note identified in boldface, all making the discussion easy to follow;
- References to law review articles and other sources for further research or background reading; and
- Problems that illustrate the application of law and policy.
This edition has been fully updated to Spring 2003, including the Delaware lock-up case, Omnicare, Inc. v. NCS Healthcare. It is more compact to facilitate coverage of all of the basics in as few as three semester hours, while retaining sufficient depth to support four- or six-hour courses. The main organizational changes from the Third Edition are condensation of the materials on federal securities regulation and reordering of the materials on business acquisitions. Also, the introduction to corporate finance formerly in a separate appendix has been simplified and integrated with the text.
A revised Teacher's Guide is available to professors. The authors will contact adopters with annual updates and special notices of current developments as circumstances require.
Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.