A Copyright Anthology

The Technology Frontier

by Richard Chused

Tags: Copyright Law


ISBN 978-0-87084-190-3
eISBN 978-0-32718-030-2

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The confluence of new ways of thinking about law with rapid technological change has led to an outpouring of fascinating literature about copyright. This Anthology contains material dealing with both prongs of recent thought about intellectual property. The first Part explores some of the new critical literature derived from theories about literature, economics, and law. As a body, the work reproduced here explores most of the central tenets of copyright law; the meaning of authorship, the nature of a copyrighted work, the contours of the idea-expression dichotomy, and the significance of originality. The rest of the Anthology explores more discrete areas of copyright law, using writings that discuss the ways in which technology may have an impact on the development of legal concepts.

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