Teaching the Law School Curriculum
by Steven I. Friedland, Gerald F. Hess
Tags: Law School Teaching, Professional Responsibility/Legal Profession, Professionalism/Law Practice
438 pp $37.00
ISBN 978-0-89089-244-2
This new book on teaching law draws upon the wisdom of hundreds of legal educators to provide ideas, materials, and alternatives for teaching a variety of law school courses. The book offers guidance for new and experienced law teachers to plan and deliver effective courses. From Business Associations to Family Law, Federal Income Taxation to Torts, each chapter addresses one of the fifteen courses most students take during their legal education.
Each chapter has five sections: (1) Approach, encompassing global issues about a course, such as goals, organizational scheme, general philosophy, syllabi, and coverage; (2) Materials, evaluating what kinds of materials enhance a course; (3) Class Exercises, evaluating what teaching and learning activities work well in a course and suggesting in- and out-of-class projects that promote learning; (4) Brief Gems, in which teachers share devices and ideas that have proven effective in their classes; and (5) Evaluation of Students, assessing when and how students should be evaluated and discussing teachers' thoughts on feedback and assessment both during and at the end of the course.
This text is part of CAP's Law School Teaching list. Complimentary copies of these texts are not available, as they are intended for professional development and are not designed for student use. Please contact sarah@cap-press.com with any questions about our Law School Teaching titles.