Judging in a Therapeutic Key
Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Courts
by Bruce J. Winick, David B. Wexler
Tags: ADR/Negotiation/Mediation and Jurisprudence
352 pp $50.00
ISBN 978-0-89089-408-8
eISBN 978-1-61163-424-2
Part I of this book describes the newly emerging problem-solving courts (such as drug treatment courts, domestic violence courts, mental health courts, etc.) and other related approaches to problem-solving judging and judging with an explicit ethic of care. Authors Winick and Wexler show how judges can use therapeutic jurisprudence not only in specialized problem-solving courts, but in general civil and criminal judicial settings as well. In Part II, the book covers emerging "principles" of therapeutic jurisprudence that seem to be at work in successful judicial approaches: how courts can encourage offender reform, how they can help offenders develop problem-solving and coping skills, how they can encourage offender compliance with release conditions, how they can serve as effective risk managers, and much more.
"Rarely does the academic work of law scholars have such a clear-cut impact in shaping the research agendas of a broad range of legal academics. Rarer still are the times when such legal scholarship positively impacts the working lives of judges and practicing lawyers. As these essays make abundantly clear, therapeutic jurisprudence has come of age as a legal discipline in its own right, ready to be further tested carefully and strategically within our judicial system… The authors assembled in this worthy volume believe strongly in the law's potential to serve as a 'healing agent' and seek to cast judges and lawyers in the roles of peacemakers and creative problem-solvers. Their vision deserves our serious consideration." — The Journal of Legal Medicine
"Winick and Wexler have gathered an impressive collection that both introduces the topic to newcomers and provides additional depth for those already generally aware of the concepts." — Steve Leben in The Justice System Journal