American Paradox
Young Black Men
232 pp $20.00
ISBN 978-0-89089-568-9
Over a half-century since Ralph Ellison wrote the classic book Invisible Man, black men have been trying to become visible. In various ways, black men have sought to get the attention of the world. An intense quest to become seen, heard, and felt has manifested itself in rebellious and counterproductive behavior. Whether it is the baggy pants, the bandana, the braids in the hair, the earring, or the tattoo, black men have desperately striven for visibility. Perpetual gang warfare and an overemphasis on living a glamorous lifestyle have derailed many young black men from achieving success in the U.S.
Author Renford Reese examines how young African American males have unwittingly accepted one model of black masculinity. The acceptance of this "tough guy" model is having detrimental consequences on an entire generation of young black men. The book's thesis is supported by a survey the author conducted of 756 African American males from the ages of 13-19 in Los Angeles and Atlanta. This survey attempts to gauge the attitudes, perceptions, and basic knowledge of young African American men regarding black public figures. One component of this survey is a Realness Scale that the author constructed. Along with this survey, interviews were conducted with various young black males to find out why they, or many of their peers, have embraced the gangsta-thug persona. The results of the survey and interviews are fascinating.
Although the primary focus of this book is on the young black male's acceptance of the gangsta-thug image and his enthusiastic embrace of society's stereotypes, this book also looks at the unkindness of the system. One would be naive to dismiss the historical impact of discriminatory policies and the systemic perpetuation of stereotypes in U.S. society. Hence, this book examines the internal and external influences on the current black male identity.
American Paradox and Reese's vists to prisons in California have already begun to pay off. In the Summer 2004 issue of Cal Poly Pomona & the Community, writer Jennifer Parsons talks about Reese's efforts, mentioning that Reese keeps a note in his briefcase from a 31-year-old prisoner serving time for manslaughter. According to her article, the prisoner writes, "I used to love being looked up to for all the wrong reasons. Now, though, I'm on a whole new script. My goal is to turn my misfortunes into a fortune. I want to help inner city kids avoid situations such as my own." He goes on to say, "I look forward to your visit. There is so much in that book that I would like to speak with you on."
"...Reese raises serious questions regarding the state of life among African American youth that cannot be ignored. The book, an excellent source for discussion of issues in the black community and race relations in the US, will surely be controversial. Summing up: Highly recommended." — CHOICE Magazine, October 2004
"American Paradox: Young Black Men . . . is an eye-opening read that brings to focus some the contemporary social issues that black and white America are reluctant to discuss. I would highly recommend it for courses in sociology, political science, and black studies." — Journal of Urban Affairs, November 2006