Managing Sport and Risk Management Strategies
Second Edition
Tags: Risk Management and Sports
464 pp $38.00
ISBN 978-0-89089-664-8
Author Herb Appenzeller uses practical examples of sport administration gathered and used during 40-plus years as a high school and college athletics director. He points out the various strategies that succeeded and also those that caused problems as he turned four losing programs into highly successful athletic contenders.
In this second edition, thirteen additional authors and chapters have been added. High school and collegiate athletic directors can effectively use the material in Part III, Risk Management Strategies, to operate a safe athletic program that protects the student athlete from injury and subsequent liability. It also provides protection for the personnel and school from expensive litigation.
Part V, Appendices, has over 27 sample forms that range from mission statements, good conduct codes, drug testing policies and procedures, sportsmanship incentive programs, and accident/injury reports.
The new chapters deal with current issues that confront administrators such as sportsmanship, violence in sport, due process, hazing, and event management. The text is extremely helpful to athletic directors in their important work with coaches and other personnel. It includes evaluating criteria, exit interview questions, and employment guidelines.
This text can be used by students majoring in recreation/sport management programs who hope to work in the sports industry. However, anyone who administers a program and works with people can benefit from this book.
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