Comparative Constitutional Review
Cases and Materials
Tags: Comparative Law; Comparative Law Series; and Constitutional Law
264 pp $30.00
ISBN 978-0-89089-710-2
This versatile book could be the basis for a unit on judicial review in any comparative law course, and can also serve well as one of the basic texts in a seminar on comparative judicial review. Outside of the field of comparative law, this book also makes a useful addition to a general course on constitutional law, an advanced course on judicial review, or even an introduction to law course.
The theme of this book is the moving nature of the subject matter. Chapter one begins in the French Revolution, with a rationale for parliamentary supremacy. Chapter two's brief survey of the American notion of constitutional review makes the book appropriate not only for American students but for students abroad as well. Chapter three takes up the development of the independent constitutional court, starting with Kelsen and Austria between the two World Wars and tracing the development of such courts in Italy, Germany, and France after the second of those wars.
The materials used in this book are standard materials, including a selection of abortion decisions which make a strong basis for comparison and which have become an important part of the literature that any beginning student ought to know. Author Michael Corrado's own translations are included, as well as translations from journal articles and some of the classic texts.
This book is part of the Comparative Law Series, edited by Michael L. Corrado, Arch T. Allen Distinguished Professor of Law, UNC School of Law.
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