Literature and Legal Problem Solving: Law and Literature as Ethical Discourse cover

Literature and Legal Problem Solving

Law and Literature as Ethical Discourse

by Paul J. Heald

Tags: Literature and Law

191 pp  $30.00

ISBN 978-0-89089-791-1

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This book is designed to demonstrate how the study of literature can be made relevant to the practice and study of law. Each essay identifies a particular legal problem and then analyzes it in light of specific works of literature. The first essay serves as a paradigm for how literature can help unravel a difficult legal conundrum. Subsequent essays apply the works of a diverse group of authors to tackle issues ranging from the admissibility of "junk science" evidence to the proper scope of liability for sexual misconduct under laws governing seduction. A detailed taxonomy of scholarship in the field and an abstracted bibliography is available in a separate volume.

Supplementary Materials

Guide to Law and Literature for Teachers, Students, and Researchers cover