Weaver's Handbook of Textile Calculations cover

Weaver's Handbook of Textile Calculations

by Dan J. McCreight

Tags: Textiles

100 pp  $40.00

ISBN 978-0-89089-887-1

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There are numerous routine mathematical calculations associated with the setup, adjustment, and changeover of textile manufacturing equipment. These calculations deal with both the processes and the products fed into and delivered from those various processes. The Weaver's Handbook of Textile Calculations is the most complete set of calculations that are used by textile weavers. It contains introductions, sample problems, and practice problems for your beaming through slashing and weaving processes. The handbook is written by McCreight so that it can even be used in a self-taught manner and is appropriate for persons who are training or are already managing, improving, or setting the standards for yarn preparation and weaving operations.