Intensive Latin: First Year & Review cover

Intensive Latin

First Year & Review

by Carl A.P. Ruck

Tags: Classics and Latin

208 pp  $19.95

ISBN 978-0-89089-912-0

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Intensive Latin: First Year & Review is an introductory textbook offering a concentrated course of study, a comprehensive review for students at the second level, or an accompanying manual for advanced students reading Latin literature. This text is particularly useful for students at the second level who often have an imperfect knowledge of Latin grammar and inflectional paradigms, offering a reasoned and concise presentation of the fundamental principles of the Latin language.

A unique feature of this textbook is the hypercard tutorial computer program, Vade Mecum, which includes flash cards for vocabulary and principal parts. Intensive Latin: First Year & Review also contains drills on inflection, with options upon demand for answers, translations, lexical entries, and relevant paradigms.

The grammar is organized with the most fundamental and frequent items presented earliest to afford greater opportunity for practice and familiarity, with subsequent items arranged in order of decreasing vitality or survivability in the evolution of the language.

The clear and precise format allows customization for particular courses, allowing teachers to target special problems without impeding the progress in reading Latin literature. In addition to the paradigms presented in each of the eleven lessons, there is a reference compendium of paradigms in the appendix, as well as the answers for all the drills on inflection, grammar, and translation.

The book contains eleven lessons: Nominative and Accusative; Gender, Adjectives, Present Conjugation; Genitive and Subjunctive; Passive, Purpose Clauses, Indirect Questions; Ablative and Dative; Imperfect, Present Perfect, Past Perfect; Relative-Interrogative Pronouns, Vocative; Future, Future Perfect; Ablative Absolute, Imperative; Comparatives, Superlatives; and Gerund, Gerundive, Supine. It also provides a Summary Review of Latin Paradigms, the Latin Answers, a Glossary, the Glossary for Note the Pattern Exercises, an Index, and a List of Paradigms.

Vade Mecum Tutorial Files Electronic flashcards are available for the Macintosh platform only. They were created by the author on HyperCard software, which comes with Macintosh computers. We assumed there was an IBM version when we inserted the flyer in the books, but that is unfortunately not the case. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Click here to download the HyperCards
Click here to download the HyperCard Viewer

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