Golf and the Law
A Practitioner's Guide to the Law and Golf Management
Tags: Sports and Sports Law
240 pp $30.00
ISBN 978-0-89089-916-8
The sport of golf is a popular choice for individuals looking to spend their increased free time. Golf is viewed as both a recreational and competitive sport; however, many sports and recreation professionals are not aware of the risks posed by the sport of golf. This lack of awareness creates a false sense of security for professionals and recreational golfers. The risks (e.g. personal injury, property damage, real estate issues, employment concerns, and discrimination) often result in litigaton that is costly in both time and money. This litigation can often be prevented through sound risk management practices and programs.
Every golf course is a complex business venture with corresponding complex business-related problems. These problems typically include real estate issues, employment matters, premises liability, discrimination, and negligence.
Golf and the Law assists golf course managers in avoiding lawsuits and preventing needless personal injury and property damage. The book is divided into two major sections. The first section reviews a number of important legal concepts and relates each concept to the management of a golf course. The second section specifically outlines common types of litigation that have been aimed at golf courses. Finally, the book outlines a variety of risk management strategies to assist the golf course manager in making the golf course a safe place for participants, employees, and neighbors.
"Throughout the work [Sawyer] offers advice on avoiding liability by instituting proper risk management procedures. In extensive appendixes readers will find checklists, sample forms, and other useful information for the golf course manager." — Legal Information ALERT