Comparative Perspectives on Remedies
Views from Four Continents
The Global Papers Series, Volume V
Edited by: Russell L. Weaver, Arnaud Raynouard, Duncan Fairgrieve, Steven I. Friedland
Tags: Comparative Law; International Law; Remedies; and The Global Papers Series
318 pp $45.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-0304-3
eISBN 978-1-5310-0305-0
Comparative Perspectives on Remedies includes chapters from a number of prominent remedies scholars. They focus on separate and distinct topics: important recent developments in remedial law, comparative perspectives on remedies, remedies in public law cases, and remedies for the breach of amorphous duties.
The participants hail from different nations, and indeed different continents, and therefore bring a variety of perspectives to these topics. The contributors to this volume are Jason R. Bent, David Capper, Ken Cooper-Stephenson, Duncan Fairgrieve, Steven I. Friedland, Guilhem Gil, Mae Kuykendall, Francois Lichere, Sean McKinniss, Arnaud Raynouard, Olivia Tambou, Laetitia Tranchant, Russell L. Weaver, David Wright, and Paul J. Zwier.
The Global Papers Series involves publications of papers by nationally and internationally prominent legal scholars on a variety of important legal topics, including administrative law, freedom of expression, defamation and criminal law. The books in this series present the work of scholars from different nations who bring diverse perspectives to the issues under discussion.