The Methodology and Practice of Therapeutic Jurisprudence

Edited by: Nigel Stobbs, Lorana Bartels, Michel Vols

Tags: Criminal Law; Disability Law; Jurisprudence; Professionalism/Law Practice; and Psychology and Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

386 pp  $59.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-0819-2
eISBN 978-1-5310-0820-8

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The community of therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) scholars and practitioners has grown in size and influence, both nationally and internationally, to the point where it has become a key driver of reform in courts and the criminal justice system. The Methodology and Practice of Therapeutic Jurisprudence is the first comprehensive work that explores and explains how to conduct TJ research.

In this book, the world's leading TJ scholars identify, illustrate, and explain the vocabulary, methodology, and theoretical frameworks they have used to inform some of their most important and influential research projects. Academic and professional researchers, funding applicants, and policy advisors who seek more structured advice and examples to assist with their own TJ-based work will find this book indispensable.