The Middle Voice

Mediating Conflict Successfully

Third Edition

by Joseph B. Stulberg, Lela P. Love

Tags: ADR/Negotiation/Mediation, Psychology and Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

216 pp  $32.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-1033-1
eISBN 978-1-5310-1034-8

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Events that divide communities lace our history. Mediators wonder whether they might positively assist community leaders in dealing with these challenges. In the third edition of The Middle Voice, Stulberg and Love systematically identify how a mediator constructively helps local stakeholders strengthen their resiliency to successfully address such matters.

Everyone mediates. The only question is: how well? Whether you want to be a better professional mediator or, in your role as supervisor, co-worker, parent, organizational leader, or community or political activist, you want to more successfully manage conflict, this book is for you. It is written in a clear, engaging style. Through its diverse examples and focus on concrete problem-solving strategies and tactics, it is a relevant, effective guide for any citizen. With its important new chapter providing guidance for constructive engagement in conflicts that polarize communities, The Middle Voice describes the role of a mediator and the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct a successful process. In a historical era of polarized tensions and escalating conflict, The Middle Voice is an essential read for gaining confidence in, and knowledge about, resolving conflicts constructively and fairly.

Praise for The Middle Voice:

This book is a 'must read' for all interested in mediation."
— Nancy H. Rogers, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
Stulberg and Love have accomplished the impossible task of writing a book on mediation which is accessible and valuable to everyone from the most experienced mediator and trainer to the unwitting person who finds themselves thrust into the position of mediator."
— Sharon B. Press, Director, Dispute Resolution Institute, Hamline University School of Law
In this elegantly concise guide to mediation success, Stulberg and Love generously share their secrets and practical wisdom gleaned from two decades of mediating and mediation training collaboration. Reading it is like taking the world's best mediation training course with the luxury of repeating it whenever you need to."
— James R. Coben, Professor of Law and Senior Fellow, Dispute Resolution Institute, Hamline University School of Law
There is simply no one in the conflict resolution field who knows more about the theory and practice of facilitative mediation than the authors of this book. Both are master practitioners, teachers and trainers, whose former students are leaders in the field today."
— Robert A. Baruch Bush, Rains Distinguished Professor of ADR Law, Hofstra Law School

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