This book has a new edition forthcoming:


Public Health Law, Fourth Edition

Forthcoming August 2025, casebound, ISBN 978-1-5310-3030-8

Teacher's Manual forthcoming

Public Health Law

Third Edition

by Wendy K. Mariner, George J. Annas, Nicole Huberfeld, Michael R. Ulrich

Tags: Health Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

870 pp  $197.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-1353-0
eISBN 978-1-5310-1354-7

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This new edition offers a fresh take on the rapidly evolving field of public health law. Grounding students in foundational thematic concepts—what counts as a public health issue, choosing among multiple legal options, the changing scope and limits of government power, and ensuring justice and fairness—it examines major shifts in constitutional doctrine including federalism, speech, religion, reproductive rights, and privacy, as well as human rights at the global level. Cases and materials critically examine how these concepts apply to contemporary and future issues, including substance use, firearms, health insurance, food supply, big data, surveillance, epidemics, and disaster preparedness. This provides a useful framework for analyzing competing interests among governments, private entities, individuals, and human rights in multiple contexts and as the law changes.

The new edition is designed not only for those interested in public health law, but also for students in many other areas of law and public policy, including law students and graduate students in public health, public policy, and medicine.

There is a set of 331 PowerPoint slides available upon adoption. Click here to view a sample presentation. If you are a professor using this book for a class, please contact Rachael Meier at to request your slides.

Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.