Antitrust Law
Policy and Practice
Fifth Edition
by C. Paul Rogers, III, William R. Andersen
Tags: Antitrust, Business, Corporations/Corporate Law
Teacher's Manual available
1128 pp $208.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-1719-4
eISBN 978-1-5310-1720-0
The fifth edition of Rogers and Andersen's Antitrust Law: Policy and Practice is updated, reorganized, and streamlined to reflect the changing landscape of antitrust law. It still contains significant material on antitrust policy and practice without sacrificing its emphasis on the core substantive antitrust law under the Sherman and Clayton Acts. Shorter chapters provide the instructor with more options on course coverage and the problems interspersed in the book still provide instructors with the choice of teaching the course using a more problem-based approach. The casebook remains, however, fundamentally focused on the development of antitrust law through tightly edited Supreme Court cases and brief accompanying notes.
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