Planning and Control of Land Development

Cases and Materials

Tenth Edition

by Daniel R. Mandelker, Carol Necole Brown, Lance M. Freeman, Stuart Meck, Dwight H. Merriam, Peter W. Salsich, Jr., Nancy E. Stroud, Edward J. Sullivan

Tags: Land Use Planning and Property/Community Property

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

884 pp  $189.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-1744-6
Looseleaf 978-1-5310-2022-4
eISBN 978-1-5310-1745-3

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The tenth edition of Planning and Control of Land Development: Cases and Materials will be familiar territory to casebook adopters, whether they have used the casebook for many years or only used the last edition. This newest edition updates references extensively throughout and replaces some principal cases with newer and more relevant recent decisions. We offer our readers a fresh, concise, and thorough new casebook that pulls together the best legal and urban practice doctrine, practice, and theory. The accompanying Teacher's Manual is an additional and important repository of useful information and resources.

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