The Law of Promises
Tags: Contracts, Core Knowledge for Lawyers
Teacher's Manual available
880 pp $165.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-1891-7
eISBN 978-1-5310-1892-4
Contracts: The Law of Promises is a casebook for first-year contracts courses. Its emphasis is on presenting contract law in a way that is easily understood by students, so they can spend most of their time mastering the application of the rules, rather than seeking to discover the rules. The casebook includes an appendix with the most important black letter rules, and throughout the casebook numerous examples are provided showing how the rules are applied. Before each case, textual material explains the law and its application, with an emphasis on explaining each of the elements of the doctrine being discussed.
Key points and chapter "takeaways" are included to help students know if they are recognizing which principles are particularly important. Cases have been chosen based on the clarity of the court's analysis and have been abridged to exclude irrelevant material. The cases included are ones that provide for interesting classroom discussions, but classic cases have been retained.
Numerous problems are included, typically based on real cases, so that professors can use them in class to further students' understanding of how the rules are applied. Common student mistakes are also highlighted. Theory is covered, but kept to a minimum. Contracts: The Law of Promises will enable students to come to class with a firm grasp of the black letter law and a general understanding of how the rules are applied, enabling professors to devote more class time to discussion, and less time to lecturing.
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