Land Use and Zoning Law

Planning for Accessible Communities

Second Edition

by Robin Paul Malloy, Dylan Oliver Malagrinò

Tags: Disability Law; Land Use Planning; and Zoning

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

644 pp  $110.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-2018-7
eISBN 978-1-5310-2019-4

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This straightforward and easy-to-use casebook covers all of the basics needed for a successful zoning law practice. It is traditional in that it covers all of the basic elements of zoning and planning law, featuring classic cases and a clear statement of the governing law. At the same time, it is unique in that every chapter also includes cases on accessibility, integrating coverage of disability law and accessibility into every chapter of the book. Issues of accessibility are becoming more important in local zoning practices and lack of accessibility is increasingly a matter of litigation, all of which gives this casebook a contemporary relevance and perspective typically not offered in other books.

In addition, the casebook is organized around four key elements. Every chapter includes Questions for Consideration, TakeAways, Discussion Problems, and Practice Problems. Students benefit from these learning features and instructors can use them in their outcome assessments. The casebook comes with a complete teacher's manual that provides detailed materials to make class preparation effective and efficient.

Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.