The California Legislature and Its Legislative Process
Cases and Materials
Tags: California and Legislation
Teacher's Manual forthcoming
772 pp $140.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-2039-2
eISBN 978-1-5310-2040-8
This book, the first of its kind, explores in depth the California Legislature's powers and authority, as well as the state legislative process, by reviewing the relevant state constitutional and statutory provisions and key appellate court decisions that interpret and explain many of these provisions. There are also explanatory materials for many of the areas covered, as well as commentaries reflecting current legal issues. Many of these explanations, and all of the court decisions, are followed by notes and questions to provide further insights and prompt additional thought and discussion about the cases and materials covered.
The first half of the book covers the California Legislature itself, while the second half of the book explores the legislative process. In addition to the explanatory materials, numerous appellate court cases are included to help explain relevant areas of law. The selected cases are written with clear analysis of the facts and law to demonstrate to students how the courts reached their decisions.
Editorial Reviews
I don't know any other resource like this."— Prof. Thomas Campbell, Chapman University Fowler School of Law, Former Member of Congress, and Former California State Senator
Fascinating and utterly original—like Chris himself." — Steve Churchwell, Of Counsel, Buchalter "If you want to really understand where we work and what we do, then this publication is a must for you."— Rex S. Hime, President & CEO, California Business Properties Association
Another Impressive feat in a most distinguished career."— Jaime Huff, V.P., Civil Justice Association of California
Not surprised … Chris is a key architect and expert collaborator on so many important policies and laws."— Jim Cunneen, Former California State Assembly Member
Congratulations, Chris Micheli! Combining the best of practice and theory!"— Dave Jones, Former California Insurance Commissioner, Former California Assembly Member
Having been a hands-on legislator, I can attest that this casebook is comprehensive and provides real insights into the powers and duties of the Legislature, as well as the state legislative process. Students and practitioners will also benefit from the book's review of important laws and court decisions interpreting them."— Jose Solorio, Santa Ana City Council Member, Former California State Assembly Member
Chris Micheli's decades of experience and accumulated expertise animate The California Legislature and Its Legislative Process. The volume pulls together and presents A-to-Z information and guidance about the structure of government and lawmaking process in the nation's largest state. It provides an essential educational tool for law professors and other instructors seeking a compact yet comprehensive compilation of materials to structure or supplement courses involving California government and its legislative process. Students will find the volume to be a go-to resource as they learn and a desktop reference after they enter careers in and around California government. Kudos to Chris Micheli for this important contribution to legal education!"— Leslie Gielow Jacobs, Anthony M. Kennedy Professor of Law and Director, Capital Center for Law & Policy, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
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