Constitutional Law

A Context and Practice Casebook

Third Edition

by David Schwartz, Lori A. Ringhand

Tags: Constitutional Law and Context and Practice Series

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

1442 pp  $185.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-2064-4
eISBN 978-1-5310-2065-1

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The third edition of Constitutional Law: A Context and Practice Casebook reflects important recent developments in constitutional law and highlights newly contested areas, including issues involving freedom of speech and religion, executive powers and immunities, and the scope of congressional authority. As in prior editions, this unique casebook offers comprehensive coverage and allows you to teach constitutional law your own way, without having to fight the book. Using its unique electronic "Expansion Pack" system of supplemental modules available via a supplementary website maintained by the authors, you can customize your course while still following the book's structure.

That structure is streamlined into five parts of two chapters each, which cover all the essential doctrines of constitutional law. The book can be used for any general constitutional law course, whether offered in the first semester or later, and whether it covers governmental structure, individual rights, or both.

This book is part of the Context and Practice Series, edited by Michael Hunter Schwartz, Professor of Law and Dean of the McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific.

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