Special Education Law

Cases and Materials

Fifth Edition

by Mark C. Weber

Tags: Disability Law, Education Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

872 pp  $218.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-2079-8
Looseleaf 978-1-5310-2229-7
eISBN 978-1-5310-2080-4

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To view or download the 2024 Supplement to this book, click here.

This new edition contains case text as well as extensive analysis and commentary for Endrew F. v. Douglas County and Frye v. Napoleon Community Schools. It also includes carefully edited reports of a host of other recent court decisions, including:

  • Krawietz v. Galveston Independent, Spring Branch v. O.W., and P. v. West Hartford on child-find duties,
  • Independent School District No. 283 v. E.M.D.H. on evaluation,
  • D.L. v. St. Louis on services for children with autism spectrum disorder,
  • Albright v. Mountain Home on IEPs,
  • L.H. v. Hamilton County and C.D. v. Natick on least restrictive environment, and
  • A.G. v. Paradise Valley and Stanek v. St. Charles on Section 504-ADA claims.

At the same time, the book maintains comprehensive coverage of legal issues affecting schools and students from the infant and toddler program through higher education. The new edition gives special attention to claims concerning charter schools, police intervention issues, education of children in juvenile detention, and private school students. The text includes provocative questions for discussion as well as practical exercises for students to apply their knowledge and skills.

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