Criminal Procedure
Constitutional Constraints Upon Investigation and Proof
Ninth Edition
by James J. Tomkovicz, Welsh S. White
Tags: Constitutional Law; Criminal Law; and Criminal Procedure
Teacher's Manual available
1265 pp $225.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-2142-9
Looseleaf 978-1-5310-2243-3
eISBN 978-1-5310-2143-6
To view or download the 2022-23 Supplement to this book, click here.
The ninth edition of this criminal procedure casebook incorporates significant rulings of the Court since the last edition—most notably, Carpenter v. United States (whether acquisition of historical cell site location records is a search), Collins v. Virginia (whether the automobile exception allows warrantless entries onto curtilage), Kansas v. Glover (whether knowledge that a vehicle's registered owner has a revoked license gives rise to a reasonable suspicion justifying a stop), and Byrd v. United States (whether a person not on a rental car contract but permitted to use a car by the renter has "standing" to object to a search). The text has been streamlined with the hope of assisting instructors pressed for time. Chapter Six (Entrapment) has been eliminated and a number of previously main cases have been reduced to note status. Finally, the problems for most of the chapters have been refreshed with a sampling of cutting-edge rulings by lower courts.
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