Basic Principles, Authorities, and Problems
Tags: Core Knowledge for Lawyers, Remedies
Teacher's Manual available
546 pp $165.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-2182-5
eISBN 978-1-5310-2183-2
Blending clear rule explanations with contemporary cases and opportunities for practice, this casebook thoroughly but efficiently conveys the basic principles in remedies and illustrates how they operate in different situations. It covers the remedies that students are most likely to encounter on a bar exam and in practice, with an emphasis on the major concepts of damages, injunctions, and restitution.
Each chapter begins with a straightforward overview of the relevant rules before presenting edited cases that apply those rules. The cases are preceded by introductory notes to aid comprehension and several key points to think about while reading. Problems are included in every chapter—brief, easily digestible factual scenarios to use for practice along the way.
The book is an approachable, easy-to-read resource that will leave students with an understanding of the various judicial remedies and an appreciation of how they function as part of a system to resolve disputes.

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