Advocacy in Negotiation and Mediation
A Practical Approach
Tags: ADR/Negotiation/Mediation and Clinical/Externships
Teacher's Manual available
362 pp $79.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-2326-3
eISBN 978-1-5310-2327-0
This book focuses on lawyering skills in negotiating and mediating, including the lawyer's counseling function and ethical responsibilities in connection with these dispute resolution processes. Because these are practical skills that are integral to effective legal representation, the book aims to be eminently practical in the descriptive and prescriptive treatment of them, even as the book also discusses some of the most important theoretical approaches to negotiation and mediation. The overall effort has been to provide a blend of theory and practice that is most meaningful in the sense of having real-life application to effective client representation in negotiating and mediating.
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