Questions & Answers: Civil Procedure
Fifth Edition
by William V. Dorsaneo, III, Elizabeth G. Thornburg, Brooke D. Coleman
Tags: Civil Procedure; Law School Study Aids; Practitioner Resources; and Questions & Answers Series
448 pp $29.50
ISBN 978-1-5310-2373-7
eISBN 978-1-5310-2374-4
Questions and Answers: Civil Procedure is a supplementary text for use primarily by first-year civil procedure students to obtain a clear understanding of the subject. The book is divided into easy-to-find subject areas so students can pinpoint the questions where they need more review. For students seeking a comprehensive review of civil procedure, the book also includes a sample exam covering a wide array of civil procedure subjects.
This edition of the book builds on the foundation established in the first four editions, by revising and updating the topics covered to include new developments in the law. It also includes coverage of all the civil procedure subject areas covered on the Multistate Bar Examination. Finally, the questions have been updated to use more inclusive language.
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