Legislation and the Regulatory State

Third Edition

by Samuel Estreicher, David L. Noll

Tags: Administrative Law, Legislation

Table of Contents (PDF)

2024 Teacher's Manual forthcoming

786 pp  $205.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-2434-5
eISBN 978-1-5310-2435-2

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Estreicher & Noll's Legislation and the Regulatory State provides an accessible, up-to-date introduction to the institutions and procedures of the modern regulatory state. Designed to emphasize regulatory policymaking and the practical aspects of administrative lawyering, the casebook explores Congress's reasons for regulating and the choices it makes when enacting legislation, the legislative process and tools of statutory interpretation, administrative agencies' position within the Constitution's system of separated powers, the Administrative Procedure Act, and judicial review of agency action.

The third edition covers all major developments in administrative law and statutory interpretation since 2017. It includes the Supreme Court's decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, covers recent developments in appointments and removal jurisprudence, and explores changes in the law of congressional oversight and judicial review of administrative action during the Trump administration.

The documentary supplement for the second edition remains current for the third edition.

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