American Indian Law

Native Nations and the Federal System

Eighth Edition

by Rebecca Tsosie, Angela R. Riley, Dylan R. Hedden-Nicely, Lauren Van Schilfgaarde, Stacy L. Leeds

Forthcoming July 2025

Tags: Indian and Indigenous Peoples Law

Teacher's Manual forthcoming

ISBN 978-1-5310-2444-4
eISBN 978-1-5310-2445-1

Now in its eighth edition, American Indian Law: Native Nations and the Federal System reflects the deep and thorough treatment of Federal Indian law that has been the hallmark of this book since its first edition in 1973, as the first casebook on this topic. The volume fosters a comprehensive understanding of the political relationship between American Indian and Alaska Native Nations and the United States.

The volume also includes a discussion of the Indigenous histories and voices that inform the broader understanding of "Indigenous rights," including a discussion of Indigenous human rights and the rights of Native Hawaiian people. The Indigenous co-author team has created an accessible volume that synthesizes the treatise-like material from the last edition and modernizes the approach to a complex field of law.

Through the cases and materials, the book explains the historical and current context of federal, state, and tribal relations and provides a thorough foundation to understand the rights of tribal Nations, including rights to land, water, natural resources, and cultural resources.

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