Sports Law for Sport Management
by Ray Yasser, James R. McCurdy, C. Peter Goplerud, III, Maureen A. Weston, Richard Karcher
Tags: Risk Management, Sports
Teacher's Manual forthcoming
690 pp $89.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-2514-4
eISBN 978-1-5310-2515-1
Collectively, the authors have more than 100 years of experience teaching sports law. Thirty-three years ago, four of the authors published the inaugural edition of their popular law school textbook, Sports Law: Cases and Materials.
The law school textbook was used as a model for Sports Law for Sports Management. The organization of the book is in three parts: Amateur Sports, Professional Sports and Issues Common to Both. It is intended for textbook use in a three-credit hour undergraduate or graduate sport management course on law, governance, and regulation. It is designed to introduce sport management students to the structures of governance and regulation associated with high school, college, Olympic, and professional sports. It also provides an overview of the historical development of the governing bodies, conferences, federations, and leagues that administer and regulate amateur and professional athletics.
In this book, the authors are committed to a skills-oriented, problem-based approach as the optimal way to study the subject matter. While the book can be used conventionally — for those who choose to focus on cases, notes, and questions — skills-based problems are featured throughout. Capstone problems and case simulations are designed to facilitate both the review of doctrine and the energy of experiential learning.
Sports law is alive. Things happen fast in sports and sports law. Legal issues, once on the horizon, arise quickly. This book is comprehensive enough to allow sport management professors to select topics that are of most interest to them and their students. The problem-based approach invites students to confront current issues as they arise. and makes for a great classroom experience.
Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.