Legal Analysis

The Fundamental Skill

Fourth Edition

by David S. Romantz, Kathleen Elliott Vinson

Tags: First Year, Introduction to Law, Law School Study Aids, Lawyering Skills, Legal Practical Resources, Legal Writing, Practitioner Resources, Pre-Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

176 pp  $29.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-2778-0
eISBN 978-1-5310-2779-7

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Legal Analysis: The Fundamental Skill continues to teach students the critical skills of legal reasoning. This popular book introduced the CREAC paradigm to law students. The book is a practical and clear guide that explains the many ways lawyers analyze the law. The authors demystify legal analysis through step-by-step explanations of the different levels of critical thinking to thoroughly explain and apply the law to a client's case. The newly updated fourth edition includes:

  • Revised practice tips
  • Additional practice tips
  • Expanded explanations
  • Added exercises
  • New examples
  • Updated organization within chapters

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