Learning Legal Technology

A Primer for the Modern Lawyer

by Nicholas A. Pleasant

Forthcoming July 2025

Tags: Legal Research and Science, Technology, and Law

Teacher's Manual forthcoming

ISBN 978-1-5310-2790-2
eISBN 978-1-5310-2791-9

Technology competence is a pressing concern in the legal industry: to date, 40 states have adopted technology competency requirements. With new tools being developed every day, it can be difficult to encapsulate what this competency looks like. For many legal professionals, technology feels like a maze: endless acronyms, tools with cryptic names and purposes, and the ever-present fear of falling behind. What's more, the field of technology is so broad that learners can be frozen by analysis paralysis, or even finding a place to start. Do I need to know how to code? What's a chatbot? Technology can feel like an endless list of terms and threats, with cryptic jargon like "malware," "metadata," and "APIs."

Written as a broad survey, this book seeks to demystify legal technology in an approachable and informative way. It breaks down complex concepts into simple ideas and analogies. It attempts to blend the conceptual with the practical by providing chapters on very broad concepts like eDiscovery and cybersecurity, as well as step-by-step tutorials on document manipulation. Although this book was designed primarily for law students, it can serve as a valuable primer for both lawyers and judges as well.

Ultimately, this book aims to provide an approachable introduction to the world of legal technology, a foundation from which to develop a career-spanning enthusiasm for the interplay between technology's complexities and the field of law. By embracing the journey, you'll position yourself as a forward-thinking professional equipped for the future.

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