Race Law

Cases, Commentary, and Questions

Sixth Edition

by F. Michael Higginbotham

Forthcoming August 2025

Tags: Civil Rights/Race and the Law

Teacher's Manual forthcoming

ISBN 978-1-5310-2831-2
eISBN 978-1-5310-2832-9

Maintaining the readable style and tightly organized structure of the earlier editions, the sixth edition of Race Law provides an in-depth examination of the issue of race and values in the American legal process, from the formation of the United States Constitution in 1787 to the present. The book contains a unique blend of original source materials and scholarly analysis, including historical background information, legislation, judicial decisions, congressional hearings, commentary, biographical information, and questions.

Fully revised and updated, this edition offers important new material on immigration, politics, criminal justice, affirmative action, and voting rights, as well as important new cases such as Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Allen v. Milligan.

Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.